Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Well Wishes

Please use this thread to post any well wishes for the Rabe Family. As of now, Darielle and Seth have asked that for those who wish to contact them, to do so either via email or on this blog.
May Hashem send them a yeshuah.

Hafrashas Challah

For those who would like to commit to being mafrish challah with a bracha on erev shabbos, please click here. Please remember that the bracha should only be said if you are baking challah with a minimum of five pounds of flour. Any questions regarding the halachos of Hafrashas Challah should be directed to your Rabbi.


For those who are willing and able, please click here to sign up to cook dinners for the children. Please note that it should not be a tremendous amount of food. Just enough for 2 young children and 1 adult. Please try to ensure that all meals are be dropped off at the Rabe residence no later than 4:00pm.

For those who have signed up to make dinners, please make sure to contact Yael Eisenberg (via text, email or phone) prior to preparing the meal, so that we may ensure that the children are given a good variety of meals.
Cell: (646) 242-3242
Email: yeisen1@gmail.com


Please sign up for saying Tehilim for Tzporah Faiga bas Sima Sheindel here. Please add your name to the Perakim you wish to say. To ensure that all of Tehilim is completed daily, please attempt to fill up each "round" before beginning a new one.

Machsom L'fi - Shmiras Halashon

In an effort to come together to further our Avodas Hashem, we are arranging a Machsom L’fi, a group effort to avoid speaking lashon harah in the zechus of a refuah sheleima for Tzipporah Feiga bas Sima Sheindel. Participation consists of accepting upon oneself to refrain from speaking lashon harah during one specific hour of the day. The hope is that this hour will influence one’s manner of speaking throughout the day, but every moment brings its own merit. To sign up, please click here. If anyone wants to subscribe to daily emails containing halacha and hashkafa related to shmiras halashon, you may send an email to alessonaday@chofetzchaimusa.org with subject "subscribe".


Please sign up for learning Mishnayos for Tzporah Faiga bas Sima Sheindel here. This Mishnayos is being learned in conjunction with the BKNW Chevra Mishnayos, which is currently scheduled to learn Seder Zeraim. Please add your name to the Mesechtos you wish to learn. To ensure that all Shisha Sidrei Mishna are completed, please attempt to fill up each "round" before beginning a new one.